
- Objectives

 - Assets

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  • 540 hectares of property in the communities of Níjar and Lucainena de la Torres/Almería


-          Main building with ancillary buildings approx. 300 sqm


-          Approx. 1500 olive trees


-          More than 20 hectares of almond trees



  • Leasing agreements


-          Three solar parks, total 21.5 MW (already completed)


-          Three wind farms, total 58 MW (just prior to the start of construction)



  • 33 km long electrical line 2 x 170 MW capacity, via our subsidiary company, Asset Eléctrica S.L.


-          Feed-in points for 6 existing energy parks in the existing transformer substation, geared for 90 MW, located on aforementioned property



  • Existing framework agreement for 146 MW thin film modules to the benefit of our company